A FREE bottle of my choice of essential oil...
An entry for a FREE Dewdrop Diffuser, 15ml bottle of Lavender essential oil, and 15ml bottle of Cedarwood oil! (Drawing will take place on my birthday, September 1st!)
HOST A CLASS! You can PM me or send me an email at withthefruitofherhandsATgmailDOTcom! Slots will be filling up fast, so schedule yours today!
Here is a list of classes I have currently available, and feel free to ask for another topic-specific class you feel would best suit your curiosity or learning needs!
NEW** - Making a Chemical Free Home (Being in a large family, I know it can be overwhelming to think of having a harsh chemical-free home, especially when you don't know where to start or what all to look for! Well, that's the purpose of this class. We will look into some specific chemicals found in our daily household products and then go into steps we can take to begin replacing some of these harsh products with easy-to-make pocket-friendly homemade products using essential oils and other simple ingredients.)
-Essential Oil Basics - What's All This Jazz About (Here is where you get the ultimate run-through of what essential oils are, how to use them, and detailed information about each of the essential oils included in the Premium Starter Kit. It's a great way to get your feet wet and/or share about them with friends and family members who are curious about essential oils as well!)
-Beyond the Basics (Goes deeper into the where, how and why of essential oils and brushes over the chemical basics of essential oils in addition to specifics about favorite oils not included in the kit and tried and true testimonies from veteran oilers!)
-Essential Oils and Body Systems - Getting to the Root of the Problem (We go in depth into each of the main body systems, what they are and what they do in our bodies and cover essential oils and tips for each system as well as lifestyle choices that give additional support to each body system.)
-Oils and the Bible (Here we get back to the basics of Creation and look at how God's Word encourages us to ultimately trust Him for healing as well as using His creation to support our overall wellness. We will also cover the twelve oils mainly mentioned in Scriptures and learn about them and their benefits.)
-The Business Side of Young Living (In this class we touch on the financial aspect of Young Living in a very non-competitive way. We are a family and we grow by sharing what their products have done for us, NOT pushing sales. Learn how it works and how you can get your own "accidental paycheck" in the mail simply by using essential oils and other amazing products for your family and sharing with others how much you love it!)
If you purchase a kit AND host a class in the same month, I will place anyone who purchases a kit under you, and you will get an additional $50 bonus for EACH sign up! When you think about it, you COULD get your kit for FREE after only three friends getting their own kits!
Let me know when you would like to host your party and get you and your friends some amazing stuff and a lot of fun!
*my downline will be getting an email about a special giveaway for teaching their own classes this summer!
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