Saturday, May 28, 2016
How Essential Oils Affect the Body Systems - Yaasha Wheeler
Some people wonder: “Are essential oils like natural pharmaceuticals? Will they make my [symptom] better?” Okay, here’s the truth: Essential oils are more like vitamins than like medicine. Let me explain.
When you take a medicine, it is designed to target a symptom and help relieve that symptom. The problem is that just fixing the symptom may not fix the underlying cause, which is a compromised body system. Stomach pain, for example, may be temporarily fixed by medicine, but if the underlying cause (a compromised digestive system) is not attended to, that symptom will likely reappear even after treatment.
Vitamins, on the other hand, help the body to stay in good working order. They ensure that your body’s systems are balanced and supported properly. The painful stomach, for example, will be likely to improve when the overall health of the whole digestive system is supported.
Essential oils are similar to vitamins in that they are best at SUPPORTING, REPAIRING and BUILDING healthy body systems. A healthy system is one that is consistently cared for and given the tools it needs to maintain its optimum balance. Essential oils penetrate every cell to bring their healthful properties and, through consistent use, they can indeed become vital parts of supporting your body systems.
Ready to get started on your own oily journey?? Learn more and/or order here:
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Announcing the New, 2016 SUMMER HOSTING GIVEAWAY!
For the months of June, July, and August, For EACH class you host I will be giving you:
A FREE bottle of my choice of essential oil...
An entry for a FREE Dewdrop Diffuser, 15ml bottle of Lavender essential oil, and 15ml bottle of Cedarwood oil! (Drawing will take place on my birthday, September 1st!)
HOST A CLASS! You can PM me or send me an email at withthefruitofherhandsATgmailDOTcom! Slots will be filling up fast, so schedule yours today!
Here is a list of classes I have currently available, and feel free to ask for another topic-specific class you feel would best suit your curiosity or learning needs!
NEW** - Making a Chemical Free Home (Being in a large family, I know it can be overwhelming to think of having a harsh chemical-free home, especially when you don't know where to start or what all to look for! Well, that's the purpose of this class. We will look into some specific chemicals found in our daily household products and then go into steps we can take to begin replacing some of these harsh products with easy-to-make pocket-friendly homemade products using essential oils and other simple ingredients.)
-Essential Oil Basics - What's All This Jazz About (Here is where you get the ultimate run-through of what essential oils are, how to use them, and detailed information about each of the essential oils included in the Premium Starter Kit. It's a great way to get your feet wet and/or share about them with friends and family members who are curious about essential oils as well!)
-Beyond the Basics (Goes deeper into the where, how and why of essential oils and brushes over the chemical basics of essential oils in addition to specifics about favorite oils not included in the kit and tried and true testimonies from veteran oilers!)
-Essential Oils and Body Systems - Getting to the Root of the Problem (We go in depth into each of the main body systems, what they are and what they do in our bodies and cover essential oils and tips for each system as well as lifestyle choices that give additional support to each body system.)
-Oils and the Bible (Here we get back to the basics of Creation and look at how God's Word encourages us to ultimately trust Him for healing as well as using His creation to support our overall wellness. We will also cover the twelve oils mainly mentioned in Scriptures and learn about them and their benefits.)
-The Business Side of Young Living (In this class we touch on the financial aspect of Young Living in a very non-competitive way. We are a family and we grow by sharing what their products have done for us, NOT pushing sales. Learn how it works and how you can get your own "accidental paycheck" in the mail simply by using essential oils and other amazing products for your family and sharing with others how much you love it!)
If you purchase a kit AND host a class in the same month, I will place anyone who purchases a kit under you, and you will get an additional $50 bonus for EACH sign up! When you think about it, you COULD get your kit for FREE after only three friends getting their own kits!
Let me know when you would like to host your party and get you and your friends some amazing stuff and a lot of fun!
*my downline will be getting an email about a special giveaway for teaching their own classes this summer!
A FREE bottle of my choice of essential oil...
An entry for a FREE Dewdrop Diffuser, 15ml bottle of Lavender essential oil, and 15ml bottle of Cedarwood oil! (Drawing will take place on my birthday, September 1st!)
HOST A CLASS! You can PM me or send me an email at withthefruitofherhandsATgmailDOTcom! Slots will be filling up fast, so schedule yours today!
Here is a list of classes I have currently available, and feel free to ask for another topic-specific class you feel would best suit your curiosity or learning needs!
NEW** - Making a Chemical Free Home (Being in a large family, I know it can be overwhelming to think of having a harsh chemical-free home, especially when you don't know where to start or what all to look for! Well, that's the purpose of this class. We will look into some specific chemicals found in our daily household products and then go into steps we can take to begin replacing some of these harsh products with easy-to-make pocket-friendly homemade products using essential oils and other simple ingredients.)
-Essential Oil Basics - What's All This Jazz About (Here is where you get the ultimate run-through of what essential oils are, how to use them, and detailed information about each of the essential oils included in the Premium Starter Kit. It's a great way to get your feet wet and/or share about them with friends and family members who are curious about essential oils as well!)
-Beyond the Basics (Goes deeper into the where, how and why of essential oils and brushes over the chemical basics of essential oils in addition to specifics about favorite oils not included in the kit and tried and true testimonies from veteran oilers!)
-Essential Oils and Body Systems - Getting to the Root of the Problem (We go in depth into each of the main body systems, what they are and what they do in our bodies and cover essential oils and tips for each system as well as lifestyle choices that give additional support to each body system.)
-Oils and the Bible (Here we get back to the basics of Creation and look at how God's Word encourages us to ultimately trust Him for healing as well as using His creation to support our overall wellness. We will also cover the twelve oils mainly mentioned in Scriptures and learn about them and their benefits.)
-The Business Side of Young Living (In this class we touch on the financial aspect of Young Living in a very non-competitive way. We are a family and we grow by sharing what their products have done for us, NOT pushing sales. Learn how it works and how you can get your own "accidental paycheck" in the mail simply by using essential oils and other amazing products for your family and sharing with others how much you love it!)
If you purchase a kit AND host a class in the same month, I will place anyone who purchases a kit under you, and you will get an additional $50 bonus for EACH sign up! When you think about it, you COULD get your kit for FREE after only three friends getting their own kits!
Let me know when you would like to host your party and get you and your friends some amazing stuff and a lot of fun!
*my downline will be getting an email about a special giveaway for teaching their own classes this summer!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Young Living Essential Oils Safe for Children
What about my kids? Well, let me just say I know of hundreds of "oily" kids! I had to laugh when my cousin shared that her little ones will come up with an oil bottle in their hand, "Oy-alls, mommy! Oyalls!" :-) Even they can tell the difference essential oils make! I'm always helping my younger siblings out with them. Even if they don't like the smell, they'll come to me anyway asking for some oily support!
There are SO many oils that are wonderful to use for children, and as a general rule, you dilute everything! (with the exception of the KidScents collection from Young Living, these are pre-diluted)
If by some chance you accidentally get oils too hot for your little ones, or in their eyes, any carrier oil (coconut, olive, almond, etc.) applied will dilute and ease their discomfort. Even I've accidentally gotten some in my eyes and had to rub coconut oil in. It works very well and quickly. DON'T use water as it will just encourage the oil to work faster, causing more discomfort.
Some oils are stronger or "hotter" than others and are not generally used for tots, so make sure you look it up before you try it! :-D
Here's a little graphic to get you started.
*Gentle Babies is an excellent book to show which oils are best to use for little ones and which ones are safest to use at suggested dilutions. If you would like more information on this, just let me know!
There are SO many oils that are wonderful to use for children, and as a general rule, you dilute everything! (with the exception of the KidScents collection from Young Living, these are pre-diluted)
If by some chance you accidentally get oils too hot for your little ones, or in their eyes, any carrier oil (coconut, olive, almond, etc.) applied will dilute and ease their discomfort. Even I've accidentally gotten some in my eyes and had to rub coconut oil in. It works very well and quickly. DON'T use water as it will just encourage the oil to work faster, causing more discomfort.
Some oils are stronger or "hotter" than others and are not generally used for tots, so make sure you look it up before you try it! :-D
Here's a little graphic to get you started.
*Gentle Babies is an excellent book to show which oils are best to use for little ones and which ones are safest to use at suggested dilutions. If you would like more information on this, just let me know!
For an opportunity to win a FREE Gentle Babies book AND bottle of Young Living's KidScents Owie essential oil blend, click HERE.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the means by which God created plants to communicate between themselves, animals and us as humans. We are made aware of their presence by the aroma God so uniquely bestowed in the essential oils of each individual plant.
-They are what is in herbs that causes them to be medicinal in promoting health and healing in our bodies.
-They are what rushes to aid in a plants healing process from the invasion of parasites and disease.
-They are what draws or detracts animals to their succulent foliage.
-They are what attracts us to the great outdoors.
-They are what God created to service our bodies, supporting and maintaining our body’s function through their many health-promoting molecules
“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
“And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart.”
Psalm 104:14-15
God created herbs for the SERVICE of man so that he is able to go forward in good health and supply for the needs of himself and others. The oil that makes his face to shine is not because oil is greasy, but because the different oils work to balance and encourage health in our bodies. You know how a healthy, robust person will literally glow with health? This is what it literally means!
Back to the Basics of Creation
Modern medicine has certainly helped many people, but many of us turn from our faith in God and what He originally designed for us to man and the drugs he synthetically created. While Modern medicine is helpful, and even necessary in some cases, we have also turned over our everyday health and the general maintenance of our bodies in preventing illness to the modern day medicine of drugs and surgery.
Let's look towards getting back to the basics of creation. Getting back to the means and methods God Himself created for us to promote healthy living. Just as we trust God for every breath of air we take, even so we should trust Him for the means by which we can pursue and maintain healthy living.
As we turn to His creation for our health support, we are in a sense turning to God in a special way, proclaiming that His creation, these herbs He so perfectly created down to the tiniest chemical molecule to work together with our bodies at a cellular level, HIS handiwork and HIS grace is what we are trusting in for our health.
All health ultimately comes from GOD.
Essential oils, just as any other thing God has blessed us with, are not a "miracle cure" or a guaranteed "cure-all." While God has used them in many amazing and exciting ways in the lives of families everywhere, they are simply a tool, a means of supporting health that He provides for us.
There may be times of disease or sickness in our lives that God brings to teach us, to teach others, or to attain ultimate glory in our lives. So while He may use His amazing creation to help support our bodies in health and wellness, His ultimate design is for us to keep our eyes fully on Him for our health and wellness and ability to serve Him with all we are!
Let's look towards getting back to the basics of creation. Getting back to the means and methods God Himself created for us to promote healthy living. Just as we trust God for every breath of air we take, even so we should trust Him for the means by which we can pursue and maintain healthy living.
As we turn to His creation for our health support, we are in a sense turning to God in a special way, proclaiming that His creation, these herbs He so perfectly created down to the tiniest chemical molecule to work together with our bodies at a cellular level, HIS handiwork and HIS grace is what we are trusting in for our health.
All health ultimately comes from GOD.
Essential oils, just as any other thing God has blessed us with, are not a "miracle cure" or a guaranteed "cure-all." While God has used them in many amazing and exciting ways in the lives of families everywhere, they are simply a tool, a means of supporting health that He provides for us.
There may be times of disease or sickness in our lives that God brings to teach us, to teach others, or to attain ultimate glory in our lives. So while He may use His amazing creation to help support our bodies in health and wellness, His ultimate design is for us to keep our eyes fully on Him for our health and wellness and ability to serve Him with all we are!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Since the Egyptians it has been used to support and maintain healthy skin. Many of the skin care products and animal scents ointment contain myrrh essential oil. Myrrh is also a powerful antioxidant support and today is widely used in oral hygiene products.
Myrrh is obtained from the resin of the trunk and it belongs to the same family as Frankincense.
One of the special things about Myrrh on a chemical level is that it contains a high content of sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds that have a direct effect on the pituitary, hypothalamus, and amygdala - the seat of our emotions. It is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting.
Myrrh is a component of many Young Living products including Boswellia Wrinkle Cream™, ClaraDerm™, Essential Beauty™ Serum, and Abundance™, Gratitude™, Hope™, and Humility™ essential oil blends.
Esther 2:12
"Now when every maid's turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, (for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women;)"
So... What Can I Use Essential Oils For?
There are so many different ways oils can be used! They can be used as a healthy, chemical-free alternative for any and every household product including cleaners, bath and body products, and cooking! They can also be used to promote wellness in our many pets. Last, but certainly not least, they can be used to encourage our bodies to function in the healthiest way possible and promote overall wellness in our families!
Let me say here that I absolutely cannot diagnose or treat any health issue, I can only speak about the education I have done to maintain a healthy balanced life both physically and mentally.
I have learned about the different body systems and the oils that can help these systems find balance. I have begun to encourage my members to do their own research. If you have a question about a certain health issue, type into google or some other search engine your health issue + body system, and then we can discuss what oils we can use to support that body system.
So how can we use our oils? To urge our bodies into an overall healthy, well-balanced way of life!
FREE Essential Oil Basics Class- What's All This Jazz About??
You are invited to an online essential oil basics class via Facebook! Please join us as we learn about what essential oils are, how they actually work, and how they can help you and your family stay healthy through the many ways they support overall wellness in our bodies.
We will be touching on many aspects of how essential oils can enhance overall wellness, preventative care, and self care in the course of the class, as well as briefly address how different oils can support our different body systems! Invite your friends to join you for a chance to win amazing prizes and keep a look out for special announcements between now and our class time. You will have access to all the information shared for a whole WEEK after the class! See you soon!
ANNOUNCING.... Blog Kick-Off Giveaway!!!
I am SO excited about how God has been leading me, and this blog is just one of the many areas He has been having me move forward in!
In honor of this blog kick-off I am doing an UNBELIEVABLE giveaway! :D
Stay tuned for some more information...
One of the main reasons we turn to essential oils for the health and wellness of our homes is because of our family! Well what better way to get started than to offer some gifts to support our kids health and wellness!
Debra Raybern is who I like to think of as the queen of oily babies! :D She uses essential oils in such a knowledgeable and loving way for her family and blessed us greatly by writing a book about all that she has learned! From specific suggestions to encouragement in mixing your own blends to support health through pregnancy, child birth, and infant and toddler years, Debra imparts a wealth of knowledge in her book Gentle Babies.
Young Living has a line of essential oils called KidScents that are specially formulated and pre-diluted to be used straight from the bottle to your kids! Owie is just one of six AMAZING blends we can use on our kids with confidence! The titles of each blend gives you a pretty good idea on how each one is used!
Owie is one of the favorites of our Young Living mothers and one that is carried around consistently in purse or diaper bag! :D
So, are you interested?? :D
Entering to win is simple! :D Either share this giveaway on Facebook or pin on Pinterest! If you do either directly from this page be sure to comment below and let me know!
Want to learn more about Young Living and essential oils? Contact me and/or visit my website! Follow this blog to get notifications about our 100 oils in 100 days, facebook classes, educational videos, and more!
Email me!
With the Fruit of Her Hands Website
In honor of this blog kick-off I am doing an UNBELIEVABLE giveaway! :D
Stay tuned for some more information...
One of the main reasons we turn to essential oils for the health and wellness of our homes is because of our family! Well what better way to get started than to offer some gifts to support our kids health and wellness!
Debra Raybern is who I like to think of as the queen of oily babies! :D She uses essential oils in such a knowledgeable and loving way for her family and blessed us greatly by writing a book about all that she has learned! From specific suggestions to encouragement in mixing your own blends to support health through pregnancy, child birth, and infant and toddler years, Debra imparts a wealth of knowledge in her book Gentle Babies.
Young Living has a line of essential oils called KidScents that are specially formulated and pre-diluted to be used straight from the bottle to your kids! Owie is just one of six AMAZING blends we can use on our kids with confidence! The titles of each blend gives you a pretty good idea on how each one is used!
Owie is one of the favorites of our Young Living mothers and one that is carried around consistently in purse or diaper bag! :D
So, are you interested?? :D
Entering to win is simple! :D Either share this giveaway on Facebook or pin on Pinterest! If you do either directly from this page be sure to comment below and let me know!
Want to learn more about Young Living and essential oils? Contact me and/or visit my website! Follow this blog to get notifications about our 100 oils in 100 days, facebook classes, educational videos, and more!
Email me!
With the Fruit of Her Hands Website
Did You Know....
Young Living is so much more than an opportunity to promote health in our homes, but is also a way to provide for our healthy habits through the generous benefits that come with sharing!
I'm not talking about "the business side of Young Living" here, but doing something as simple as telling someone about your favorite restaurant, discount store, or new cleaner! When you find something that works, you want to share about it, and many times insist your family and friends try it! It is the exact same thing when it comes to Young Living. You know how much you love them, so why are you keeping your friends from loving them too?? :D
Just a fun little fact... I was amazed to find out how many people wasted such a vast amount of time on facebook games and such. This was the resulting graphic that sprung out of that information!
I'm not talking about "the business side of Young Living" here, but doing something as simple as telling someone about your favorite restaurant, discount store, or new cleaner! When you find something that works, you want to share about it, and many times insist your family and friends try it! It is the exact same thing when it comes to Young Living. You know how much you love them, so why are you keeping your friends from loving them too?? :D
Just a fun little fact... I was amazed to find out how many people wasted such a vast amount of time on facebook games and such. This was the resulting graphic that sprung out of that information!
Lemon Sandalwood Soap
I am super sensitive to soaps and scents and such and for a couple years have been having a difficult time finding something I could use.
I just broke down and decided to get Young Living's Lemon Sandalwood soap, and it is AMAZING!
The Lemon essential oil in Lemon-Sandalwood Cleansing Soap has clarifying properties to thoroughly cleanse the skin, while Sandalwood combats dryness.
Not only does it smell good enough to make my mouth water, but it leaves my skin silky smooth and soft through to the next day! I'm in love here y'all!
What does Modern Science say about Essential Oils??
People often ask the question, “Does science validate essential oils?” I love when people ask me that because I can confidently say “YES! Science does!”
Did you know that there are over 30,000 articles that talk about Young Living or Essential Oils?
Here are some great 3rd party, government-funded resources:
1. -National Library of Medicine, thousands of peer-reviewed published studies on essential oils
*Over 13,000 peer-reviewed, published studies on Essential Oils
2. (Association for the International Research of Aromatic Science and Education) 3rd party research Dedicated to promoting scientific validation of essential oils for their global standardization for home, health care and medical uses
Did you know that there are over 30,000 articles that talk about Young Living or Essential Oils?
Here are some great 3rd party, government-funded resources:
1. -National Library of Medicine, thousands of peer-reviewed published studies on essential oils
*Over 13,000 peer-reviewed, published studies on Essential Oils
2. (Association for the International Research of Aromatic Science and Education) 3rd party research Dedicated to promoting scientific validation of essential oils for their global standardization for home, health care and medical uses
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Did you know that this species is the most directly related to the Cedars of Lebanon quoted in the Bible? Also, the word Cedrus is an Arabic word "kedron" meaning "power". Cedarwood oil contains the highest amount of sesquiterpenes of all the essential oils. Sesquiterpenes are a hydrocarbon group that is found in essential oils that helps to clear out mucked up cell receptors and mis-written DNA. Cedarwood is also known as a powerful Nervous and Respiratory system support and is absolutely wonderful for grounding and release!
I must say that this is my newest favorite! I use it at times during the day to promote focus when I feel like I need it, but my favorite time to use it is at night to promote deep sleep! (hint: my little sisters also benefit from this greatly at night!)
Cedarwood oil comes from the tree bark and was used in cleansing rituals for lepers & after touching dead things.
Australian Blue, Sacred Mountain, Highest Potential, Brain Power, Progessence Plus, and Stress Away are among the common favorite Young Living blends that contain Cedarwood oil!
"And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop:" Leviticus 14:49
"And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer." - Numbers 19:6 .
"And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes." 1 Kings 4:33
Cedarwood Essential Oil Uses:
-Smooth skin by adding Cedarwood to your favorite lotions and skin care products.
-Place a few drops in your shampoo and conditioner for shinier-looking hair.
-Pamper yourself with an at-home scalp massage. Warm a few drops between your hands and rub into your scalp for healthy-looking hair.
-Create custom scents featuring Cedarwood on its own or as a base for your own signature scent. Try combining it with essential oils such as Tea Tree, Neroli, or Bergamot.
-Enjoy the outdoors annoyance free with Cedarwood blended with oils such as Citronella, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Myrtle, Clove, or Lemongrass.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thieves Household Cleaner
One of the benefits of living in this day and age is the amount of effort we put into personal hygiene. Every store has a large portion of their store dedicated to personal hygiene and cleaning supplies. Anti-bacterial products line the shelves and chemical-filled cloths and mops make for a quick and easy clean up option. This is pretty convenient for the average person, and we don’t think twice about grabbing them and putting them in our buggy.
Did you know that just about every common cleaner on the market contains ingredients that can cause very devastating side effects? When you stop and think about it, doesn’t every bottle or canister you purchase come with a very strict warning in the event of getting the contents in your eyes, inhaling, or ingesting the cleaner. Now, if it is harmful in any of those aspects, than what on earth are we keeping it in our house for? Much less using it on things that our family will walk/sit/play on or with? Think about those major mommy freak out moments when little Jimmy sprayed some sink cleaner into little Patty’s eyes!
There are many MUCH safer alternatives, and if you’re like me, you like to go as naturally as possible! In the world of essential oils, there are SO many different ways to use your oils as cleaning agents, just google for recipes for all natural cleaners using essential oils!
Last year I got some Thieves cleaner from Young Living, partially because I am so sensitive to harsh chemicals, and partially because my cousin with nine children ten and under uses it completely worry free and even teaches her children how to clean house with it! When she told me what a relief it was to know it was harmless the time her daughter decided to drink the cleaner, I HAD to try it out myself. I tried to convince my mom and the rest of my family to try it, but it took a while before they did.
A few months ago we were moving into our new house getting stuff from storage and cleaning it, and my mom “accidentally” found out how amazing this stuff is! At a stronger dilution, she was able to clean off gunk and mildew-covered wooden benches without harming the wood! Now she now uses it for everything! I love walking through my house and smelling that spicy clean smell!
That is another of my favorite things about it. It has such a high dilution rate, one bottle of concentrate makes 32 bottles of cleaner! In short, a little dump’ll do ya! :) DEFINITELY worth it, not just in its effectiveness, but also in peace of mind for our young’uns!
Did you know that just about every common cleaner on the market contains ingredients that can cause very devastating side effects? When you stop and think about it, doesn’t every bottle or canister you purchase come with a very strict warning in the event of getting the contents in your eyes, inhaling, or ingesting the cleaner. Now, if it is harmful in any of those aspects, than what on earth are we keeping it in our house for? Much less using it on things that our family will walk/sit/play on or with? Think about those major mommy freak out moments when little Jimmy sprayed some sink cleaner into little Patty’s eyes!
There are many MUCH safer alternatives, and if you’re like me, you like to go as naturally as possible! In the world of essential oils, there are SO many different ways to use your oils as cleaning agents, just google for recipes for all natural cleaners using essential oils!
Last year I got some Thieves cleaner from Young Living, partially because I am so sensitive to harsh chemicals, and partially because my cousin with nine children ten and under uses it completely worry free and even teaches her children how to clean house with it! When she told me what a relief it was to know it was harmless the time her daughter decided to drink the cleaner, I HAD to try it out myself. I tried to convince my mom and the rest of my family to try it, but it took a while before they did.
A few months ago we were moving into our new house getting stuff from storage and cleaning it, and my mom “accidentally” found out how amazing this stuff is! At a stronger dilution, she was able to clean off gunk and mildew-covered wooden benches without harming the wood! Now she now uses it for everything! I love walking through my house and smelling that spicy clean smell!
That is another of my favorite things about it. It has such a high dilution rate, one bottle of concentrate makes 32 bottles of cleaner! In short, a little dump’ll do ya! :) DEFINITELY worth it, not just in its effectiveness, but also in peace of mind for our young’uns!
ANNOUNCING.....Making a Chemical Free Home - Facebook Class
I am SO excited to announce our newest facebook class!
In today's time we struggle with so many different sensitivities, reactions and devastating results from the harsh chemicals that have made their way into each and every one of our homes. I was almost dismayed at learning about some things I was using every day that increased my risk of cancer by over 50%!!
Being in a large family, I know it can be overwhelming to think of having a harsh chemical-free home, especially when you don't know where to start or what all to look for! Well, that's the purpose of this class. We will look into some specific chemicals found in our daily household products and then go into steps we can take to begin replacing some of these harsh products with easy-to-make pocket-friendly homemade products using essential oils and other simple ingredients.
We bring it down to overwhelming-made-simple by showing smaller steps to take to achieve the greater goal of a harsh-chemical free home. One of the most exciting aspects of it for me is that this is just another area where I can turn to the Lord, getting back to the basics of His creation when it comes to my home and family!
Now that several of you want to come... wink emoticon
Any of you who decide you'd like to host one of these classes for your own facebook friends and schedule it by the end of May will receive a FREE copy of the Chemical Free Home Vol. 1 by Melissa Poepping! grin emoticon
Please feel free to comment, question, pin and share! Let me know if you would like to host a class!
In today's time we struggle with so many different sensitivities, reactions and devastating results from the harsh chemicals that have made their way into each and every one of our homes. I was almost dismayed at learning about some things I was using every day that increased my risk of cancer by over 50%!!
Being in a large family, I know it can be overwhelming to think of having a harsh chemical-free home, especially when you don't know where to start or what all to look for! Well, that's the purpose of this class. We will look into some specific chemicals found in our daily household products and then go into steps we can take to begin replacing some of these harsh products with easy-to-make pocket-friendly homemade products using essential oils and other simple ingredients.
We bring it down to overwhelming-made-simple by showing smaller steps to take to achieve the greater goal of a harsh-chemical free home. One of the most exciting aspects of it for me is that this is just another area where I can turn to the Lord, getting back to the basics of His creation when it comes to my home and family!
Now that several of you want to come... wink emoticon
Any of you who decide you'd like to host one of these classes for your own facebook friends and schedule it by the end of May will receive a FREE copy of the Chemical Free Home Vol. 1 by Melissa Poepping! grin emoticon
Please feel free to comment, question, pin and share! Let me know if you would like to host a class!
Why use Essential Oils?
Essential oils have been used in medicinal healing for centuries all over the world. They are known for their health, cosmetic, and emotionally uplifting properties. So why do we use them?
Why Young Living
Watch this video to see just a few of the reasons why!
So... What ARE essential oils??
Welcome to the world of discovering the complexity and beauty of these amazing gifts from nature! Essential oils are the aromatic liquids found in trees, flowers, bushes, branches, stems, fruits, needles, roots & seeds.
Have you ever pinched a rosemary or lavender plant between your fingertips, then all of sudden you smelled a very strong liquid come from the plant? Or have you ever cut a lemon and noticed a backsplash coming from the pores in the rind? THOSE are essential oils! They are referred to as the “life-force of a plant” or, as we like to call them, the plant’s immune system. Their job, essentially, is to protect the cells of the plant from disease and decay. And that’s exactly what they do for the cells of our body! Keeping plants safe from disease and decay. What essential oils do for the plant is how they work in us. Essential oils are composed of HUNDREDS of chemical constituents (meaning they can cover a plethora of health issues) and are extracted through steam distillation (not killed; not extracted with chemicals). When plants are dried, 95-97% of the essential oil of the plant is lost. So by using essential oils, we are getting a complete chemical profile in every drop.
They are much more potent than the herbs or plants they come from:
-1 drop of Peppermint is equivalent to 26 cups of Peppermint tea
-1 drop of Lemon is equivalent to 40 lemons
Have you ever pinched a rosemary or lavender plant between your fingertips, then all of sudden you smelled a very strong liquid come from the plant? Or have you ever cut a lemon and noticed a backsplash coming from the pores in the rind? THOSE are essential oils! They are referred to as the “life-force of a plant” or, as we like to call them, the plant’s immune system. Their job, essentially, is to protect the cells of the plant from disease and decay. And that’s exactly what they do for the cells of our body! Keeping plants safe from disease and decay. What essential oils do for the plant is how they work in us. Essential oils are composed of HUNDREDS of chemical constituents (meaning they can cover a plethora of health issues) and are extracted through steam distillation (not killed; not extracted with chemicals). When plants are dried, 95-97% of the essential oil of the plant is lost. So by using essential oils, we are getting a complete chemical profile in every drop.
They are much more potent than the herbs or plants they come from:
-1 drop of Peppermint is equivalent to 26 cups of Peppermint tea
-1 drop of Lemon is equivalent to 40 lemons
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