Thursday, February 23, 2017

Neroli.... what??

It may sound strange, but you more than likely have seen or even smelled it before! Neroli is none other than orange blossoms! :) Neroli essential oil is made by distilling orange blossoms.

Because of the detailed and abstract distilling process, Neroli essential oil is placed up there right along with the other precious gems of essential oils, such as Jasmine or Rose Otto essential oil. It takes about 1000 pounds of orange blossoms to make only one pound of oil!

The scent is a very fruity and sweet smell, making it ideal for perfumes and other personal products. One whiff of this will have you wanting to wear it every day, and you have good cause to do so!

Neroli is SO much more than an amazing smell, it is also an oil that was highly treasured in ancient Egypt for its ability to heal the mind, body and spirit. Neroli is a natural relaxant that strengthenes and stabilizes the emotions and aids in relaxation and focus.

A precious little gem indeed!

Most common uses:
-Mental Clarity
-Emotional Balance

A few of the Young Living blends it is found in are:
Acceptance, Awaken, Humility, Inner Child, Live with Passion, Oola grow, Present Time

Questions? Interested in trying some or learning more? Feel free to contact me at any time at

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